“FEEL your inner beat”

Your coaching with me –
online, as a walking coaching**
or in my office in Willich-Anrath

** You can find more information about walking coaching on the “Topics” page.


more relaxed I happier I more successful

Would you like to be happier and more successful at work?

Do you want to finally take your next career step or change your job?

Would you like to finally be more relaxed and happier in your private life?

Less stressed?

And take better care of yourself?

Let me coach you!


Get started right away,

in Willich-Anrath in my office or as a walking coaching** or even conveniently online.


Book your coaching here.

Am I the right coach for you?


Find out in our conversation – free of charge.


It’s really important that our chemistry is right and that you feel in good hands with me. That’s why you can get to know me for free in an info session.
You can also have a look at my homepage and listen to my podcast.

Happy customers.

“I think what impressed me the most was how well Ms. Pernsot ‘felt her way’ into my situation. It only took a short time for her to get the full picture and know what was bothering me. Her advice and suggestions were solid, directly applicable and therefore immediately helpful. I would use Ms. Pernsot’s professional coaching again at any time!”

Client Business Coaching/Communications, 2024

“Dear Mrs. Pernsot, already on the first day of our meeting you inspired me. All the times you took your full time, followed me attentively and by using your creativity you were able to show ways how further education could look like. No matter how much I had seen it as hopeless, you were restlessly encouraging, showing that anything is possible. Taking your advice has helped me a lot, I am quite happy, for that I am very grateful. Thank you very much!!! 🙂”

Zakia Yusufzai

Private client, 2019

“Janina Pernsot, for me you are an extraordinary mixture of great experience, professionalism and sparkling joie de vivre. Your authenticity creates trust and your sense for sticking points is phenomenal. Working with you has brought me further. Gladly again and again!”

Stephanie Kiel

Stephanie Kiel Coaching & Beratung (translated from German)

“Professional, empathetic, customer-focused, inspiring, solution-oriented.”

Private client

(translated from German)