Are you interested in my qualifications? Then this is the right page for you.

General information can be found on the “About me” page and the topics of my work on the subpage “topics”.

You need a CV/resume from me? Then feel free to contact me.

My qualifications

My qualifi-

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– Just click on the relevant link. Further down you will find more information about the topics. –

Trainings/Further Education


Selection of my further education:

“The Work of Byron Katie”: since 2014 various trainings, among others with Byron Katie herself, since 2018 “Coach for the Work of Byron Katie”, accredited by the vtw (Association for the Work of Byron Katie, German: “Verband für the Work of Byron Katie”).

Various speaker and pronunciation trainings (among others at the Speaker Academy “Sprecher-Akademie”, with Sabine Asgodom and with Feminess, since 2015)

BAFA consultant for the program “Förderung unternehmerischen Know-hows” (registered with the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), since 2018)

Education voucher consultant “Bildungsscheck-Beraterin” (certified by G.I.B. Bottrop, 2018)

Business Coach (certified by “IHK zu Köln”, since 2012), excerpt of topics covered:

  • communication techniques

  • one-on-one and group coaching

  • Personal development

  • Systemic coaching

  • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

Trainer qualification certificate AdA (trainer according to § 3 AEVO) (IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein, 2012)

in addition, further training on the topics of leadership, project management, presenting, … and various PC and CRM training courses (including SAP HR), …



Besides my native language German, I speak fluent English. You can also check out my English podcast “Love what you do”. I also often work with international clients, then mostly in English and sometimes improvised 😉

If you want to know how internationally I’ve worked, look here.

I also used to speak fluent French, but I’m clearly out of practice.

Professional Experience

Profes-sional Experi-ence

I have been self-employed since 2011 and am a management consultant, coach, speaker, moderator and podcaster.

During this time I have also had lecturing assignments for a total of 1,200 hours of lecturing, have set exams and also held Bachelor exams, for various subjects and at various locations in NRW.

Before starting my own business, I was employed for nine years and worked in an international consulting firm on various projects (mostly IT, software implementations), in the area of project management and change management. Before that, I was employed at Germany’s largest waste management company, among other things in marketing/strategic sales, did my commercial apprenticeship there and studied extra occupationally.

Apprenticeship & Studies

Appren-ticeship & Studies

2002-2006: extra occupational business studies at the “Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management” (FOM), degree: Dipl. Kauffrau (FH)

2002-2004: Commercial apprenticeship, RWE Umwelt AG, Viersen, Degree: Industrial Business Management Assistant “Industriekauffrau” (IHK)

2002: A-levels



As an employee, on various projects and as a self-employed person, I have already had insights into a number of industries (in alphabetical order):

  • Church institutions

  • Consulting

  • Consumer Goods Industry

  • Energy supply and waste management

  • Finance/Crypto/Blockchain

  • Insurance

  • IT industry

  • Logistics sector

  • Medical Industry

  • Pharmaceutical industry

  • Public service

  • Training sector

Your industry is not listed? Feel free to ask me for relevant experience. If it is necessary for our cooperation: In my time as an employed management consultant, I have learned to quickly familiarize myself with new topics.