Focus, Hope, Implementing, Job, Job application, Life, Meditation, Mindfulness, Vision
Hope and also the absence of hope, hopelessness, came repeatedly across me during the last weeks. Customers who come to me with eyes full of hope. Who look positively into the future, are motivated and want to get started or already did. And there is also the other...
Focus, Job, Life, Meditation, Mindfulness
„Janina what about an episode about gratitude?“ Yes! I am definitely in – and was super surprised that I haven’t talked much about gratitude in my podcast yet. Even though gratitude is an important element of each of my days. Why is gratitude so essentiell? ...
Boundaries, Health, Job, Me-Time, Mindfulness, Needs, Silence
I already mentioned several times that we often want to make lots of progress and that it’s not often easy for us to take a break. And yet breaks are SO IMPORTANT. And that’s why today’s episode is about taking breaks. The absurde thing is that we give us even less...
Me-Time, Meditation, Mindfulness, Silence
How easy it is to forget during every-day-life: to beWe hang on to thoughts that are about the past – or the future.Or we want to be productive.It was drummed into us: Faster, higher, further. Now.Self-optimization. Right now the trend is more to take time. To...