Implementing, Job, Life, Motivation, Performance
What is it like for you when you have something to do? I know this about me, that I think big. For example start with going to the gym and go there as often as possible. Do you also like to make big plans right away? We have goals and want to go there.And then...
Focus, Hope, Implementing, Job, Job application, Life, Meditation, Mindfulness, Vision
Hope and also the absence of hope, hopelessness, came repeatedly across me during the last weeks. Customers who come to me with eyes full of hope. Who look positively into the future, are motivated and want to get started or already did. And there is also the other...
Focus, Implementing, Job, Life, Motivation
Phew, are you familiar with things you don’t want to do? Me, for sure! That can have the most different reasons … The task is unpleasant for us. We have to do something we don’t feel comfortable with or that we are not good at – or think we are not...
Fear, Health, Implementing, Job, Me-Time, Vision
We have small fears and big ones.I recently saw a woman wearing a t-shirt with the words “I am afraid of nothing” on it.Doesn’t that sound great? What we all know about fear is: fight or flight. We either fight or flee.I find Dr. Lissa Rankin’s book “The fear cure”...